Distinguishing Between Vaser and Traditional Liposuction. There’s a reason why liposuction is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures in America. In fact, there were nearly 250,000 procedures performed in 2017. There are many factors and circumstances that can make having the slim, toned body that you desire difficult, and liposuction is a tool used to aid in that process.
If you’ve never had liposuction, then you probably don’t know that there are different types of liposuction procedures available. The different techniques that exist are often quite different in terms of the technology used. However, the ultimate goal is generally the same, which is to eliminate fat from the body. One of the most popular advanced forms of liposuction is Vaser. Let’s review Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance (Vaser) lipo as it compares to more traditional methods.
Distinguishing Between Vaser and Traditional Liposuction
Vaser liposuction is a procedure that leverages the power of ultrasound to remove fat cells that exist in the body. Traditional liposuction is different because it eliminates fat cells by manually moving the cannula to break up the fat and suction it out. Which technique is the best choice for you depends on a variety of different factors.
History of Traditional Liposuction
Traditional liposuction has existed for decades. Its current form was developed in 1974 by two physicians. It was years later when a surgeon in France became widely known as the doctor that perfected liposuction. Interestingly, the desire to get rid of fat goes back even farther to the early 1900s when there was a history of gruesome procedures performed in an effort to eliminate fat from the body. Those efforts continued until the 1960s when surgeons in Europe tried to cut fat out of the body, which was deemed unsuccessful. Once traditional liposuction procedures were developed, doctors around the world began to work on ways to improve upon the procedure, which resulted in the ability to remove fat from different areas of the body, including the abdomen, buttocks, legs, chin, and breasts, among others. When the focus on body mass index (BMI) grew in the fitness community, traditional liposuction became the procedure used to reach an ideal BMI.
About Vaser Liposuction
A key reason why many people prefer Vaser liposuction is because it is a minimally invasive way to achieve amazing results when it comes to removing unwanted fat from various body parts. Vaser involves use of a small probe and ultrasonic energy that was first introduced into the world of medicine during the 1990s. There were initially issues surrounding the procedure because doctors were unable to control the amount of energy that was used, which posed unwanted risks. Once that issue was addressed through new technologies, Vaser liposuction became a more popular option.
Although there were complications early on, the current technology used for Vaser liposuction is the third generation, which has resolved the concerns that existed in years past. Vaser liposuction works on most parts of the body, including the waist, arms, and thighs. Much like with traditional techniques, Vaser liposuction uses a suction tube to remove fat from the body. The reason why Vaser is different from traditional methods is because energy is used to break up fat cells. This energy makes it easier to remove the fat so there is less bruising, redness, and swelling after the procedure. Thus, less downtime.
Schedule a Consultation
Contact Dr. Frank Barone of evolv Plastic Surgery & Medical Aesthetics to learn more about the different options available for liposuction. You’ll have an opportunity to discuss your personal goals to decide which method would work best for you during a personal consultation. To set up an appointment, call our office or fill out an online form.