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thigh lift in Toledo Ohio

Thigh Lift

About this Treatment

Thigh Lift

A thigh lift, also known as thighplasty, is an aesthetic surgical procedure that reshapes and contours the thighs by reducing excess skin and fat and repositioning the tissue to a youthful contour.

A thigh lift by Dr. Frank Barone in Toledo, Ohio may involve the outer thighs and hips (lateral thighplasty), the inner thighs (medical thighplasty) or the entire upper leg (circumferential thighplasty).  A thighplasty may also be incorporated into a body lift procedure.

The Procedure

Thigh Lift

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What It Is

The upper legs and hips may lose their youthful shape with aging, weight gain, or loss. The accumulation of excess fat and cellulite on the outer thighs and hips (‘saddle bag’ area), inner thighs and knees along with sagging tissues and loss of skin elasticity from sun exposure and aging are common and frustrating problems for many patients. Although exercise and muscle toning along with medical skin care is always helpful and recommended, the surgical thigh lift combined with liposuction for excess fat removal remains the most effective and long-lasting option for restoring a natural and more youthful contour to the upper legs, thighs, and hips and reducing cellulite.

What It Treats

  • Loose and sagging inner and outer thigh tissue
  • Disproportion and imbalance of the upper legs and lower hips
  • Excess skin and fatty deposits of the upper legs
  • Often combined with a tummy tuck or body lift for more comprehensive benefits and cost efficiency
  • Cellulite of the thighs and buttocks

Treatment Time

  • 4 - 6 hours

Recovery Time

  • 3 - 4 weeks

Anesthetic Type

  • General


  • Younger Appearance Restores an attractive and younger contour to the thighs and lower hips.
  • Supports Deep Tissues Repositions and supports the skin and deeper tissue of the thighs.
  • Removes Unwanted Fat Removes excess fatty collections in the legs and tightens loose tissue. 
  • Compatible with Other Treatments  Lesser fat deposits with minimal skin laxity can be treated with non-invasive office procedures like Vanquish ME and Exilis Ultra, or less invasive non-surgical options like Vaser Liposuction and Renuvion JPlasma skin tightening without longer surgical incisions if skin and tissue laxity are limited.
  • Reduces Cellulite Reduces cellulite of the thighs and buttocks.
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How Thigh Lift Works

Step 01.

As with all aesthetic surgical procedures at EVOLV Plastic Surgery, our thigh lifts in Toledo, Ohio, or thighplasty, work-up involves complete evaluation, examination, discussion of goals, and creation of a personalized, and comprehensive surgical plan. Photo documentation and planning incision location options and extent are also considered.  Patient photos are reviewed, and choices are discussed considering recovery time, costs, and desired expectations and results.

Step 02.

Thigh lift surgery in Toledo is done in an accredited outpatient surgery center under a light general anesthetic administered by a board-certified anesthesiologist and experienced licensed nursing staff.  Revisions or minor procedures may be done in some cases in the office procedure room under a local anesthetic with oral sedation when appropriate.

Step 03.

The location and extent of thighplasty, or thigh lift incisions, will depend upon the amount and location of skin and tissue laxity to be corrected.  Incision placement is planned where it will allow proper correction and be less noticeable. Excess fat removal by ultrasonic (Vaser) liposuction is done through small access incisions typically within the skin to be removed or hidden in natural creases.

Step 04.

After the planned anesthetic is given, a dilute solution of adrenaline and lidocaine (tumescent solution) is perfused throughout the tissue and fatty excess is removed.  This is essential to reduce bleeding and discomfort allowing lower levels of general anesthetic and to cool the tissue for Vaser treatment.  After fatty excess is removed, the appropriate amounts of skin and laxity are excised from the treatment area and then the remaining skin and deep tissue are repositioned and anchored for support. Typically drains are not needed.  Long-acting nerve blocks (Exparel) are placed, and a mildly compressive dressing is applied to complete the procedure.  Surgical drains are typically not needed.

Step 05.

You will return to the office in a few days after surgery for your first dressing change. You will see the visible improvements immediately and they will continue to get better as swelling and bruising subside.  Procedures on the thighs and lower legs generally have more prolonged swelling and therefore longer elevation and compression garments are needed. Post-operative therapeutic treatments with lymphatic massage, LED LightStim bed treatment, and other proven modalities will be available to reduce swelling, discomfort, and downtime.  You will be given specific instructions and recommendations on activities and care of the operative site at each visit.

See Our Results

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Before & After

What Our Patients Are Saying

The staff was so personable!!! Very caring and intuitive! Dr. Barone was very compassionate..caring...thorough...patient and listened to my concerns and questions.
Dr. Barone was very professional and respectful. He made me extremely comfortable.
Wonderful staff and an awesome experience, I would recommend highly.
Exceptional and professional service. Very friendly staff! Took time as much as I needed and answer all my questions. I felt very comfortable with the procedure and follow up. Definitely coming back!
I have had nothing but exceptional results from eVolv Plastic Surgery. Best team of professionals out there for all your cosmetic needs.

The staff was so personable!!! Very caring and intuitive! Dr. Barone was very compassionate..caring…thorough…patient and listened to my concerns and questions.

Dr. Barone was very professional and respectful. He made me extremely comfortable.

Wonderful staff and an awesome experience, I would recommend highly.

Exceptional and professional service. Very friendly staff! Took time as much as I needed and answer all my questions. I felt very comfortable with the procedure and follow up. Definitely coming back!

I have had nothing but exceptional results from eVolv Plastic Surgery. Best team of professionals out there for all your cosmetic needs.

Frequently Asked Questions

doctor at desk

Call the office to schedule a consultation with
Dr. Barone.

Call Now Schedule Now

Your Safety Matters.

It is important to remember that the training and experience of your plastic surgeon and staff are the most important criteria for achieving safe and natural appearing results with thigh lifts.

Patient safety and natural appearance results are the major priority for every procedure at EVOLV Plastic Surgery and Medical Aesthetics.

In addition to plastic surgery residency and achieving board certification, Dr. Barone completed advanced fellowship specialty training and research in cosmetic and aesthetic surgery and medicine. Dr. Barone is an active member of the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS) which admits only board-certified plastic surgeons who have achieved recognition and expertise in aesthetic surgery and medicine. Dr. Barone has conducted clinical research, published numerous articles, and served as a lecturer and instructor for other plastic surgeons and companies.

All major cosmetic surgical procedures at EVOLV Plastic Surgery are performed only in a fully accredited surgical center with experienced and licensed staff. Candidates considering a thigh lift at EVOLV are thoroughly evaluated and fully informed and prepared for the procedure. Both pre-and post-operative education and guidance along with specific therapeutic services to reduce swelling and downtime are emphasized to improve safety and outcomes and to reduce potential complications.

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Find Us

2000 Regency Court #204 Toledo, Ohio 43623
(419) 720-2008
  • Mon: 8:30 am-5:00 pm
  • Tues: 8:30 am-7:00 pm
  • Wed: 8:30 am-5:00 pm
  • Thurs: 8:30 am-5:00 pm
  • Fri: 8:30 am-3:00 pm
  • Sat: Closed
  • Sun: Closed