Spring is here and it looks like it will be an early one!
Spring is also a time of renewal, and all of us at evolv Plastic Surgery and Medical Aesthetics are particularly excited this year about new options for our patients in aesthetics. the evolv staff and I have been busy over the winter months researching and learning about some new and particularly exciting technologies, services and products that have exceptional potential for transforming the quality of aesthetic care for our patients and we are quite excited about these unique opportunities. So here is what all the excitement is about:
– Can aging in the skin actually be prevented and even reversed?
I never used to think so because, despite many claims to the contrary, science never supported that claim but new research from the prestigious Stanford University Medical Center has changed my mind on this subject.
evolv is proud to be the first aesthetic practice in the area to offer broadband light (BBL) by Sciton which has been proven by clinical studies at Stanford to stop and even reverse the aging process in skin cells at the genetic level. In the Stanford research following patients treated with BBL over more than 10 years, they proved that genes associated with youth that were previously inactive in older patient’s skin before treatment were actually restored to an active state by the BBL treatments! This is extremely significant as this is the first credible report that I am aware of that actually proves that aging cells can be returned to their previously younger state physiologically by any therapeutic intervention. The process is called photo-modulation and is a direct result of the proprietary BBL wavelength and energy stimulating photo receptors on the cell surface. The BBL treatments to reverse cellular and restore youthful function is called evolv Forever Young and are suggested 3 or preferably 4 times per year, take only 15 to 20 minutes, are typically not uncomfortable and have no post treatment down time.
We will be discussing the evolv Forever Young Program at our upcoming evolv BBL Halo Event on April 6 so please call 419-720-2008 to reserve your seat if interested. Visit our Facebook Event for more information.
– Laser skin resurfacing with less downtime?
Despite the considerable benefits of laser treatments for rejuvenating and resurfacing aging skin, the appeal of laser therapy has been previously limited by considerable downtime and prolonged healing. Scientists at the Sciton Corporation have developed a revolutionary technology that provides significant skin resurfacing benefits with considerably less downtime. That technology is the Halo Laser and evolv is excited to introduce this exciting treatment option for our patients.
We will be discussing the Sciton Halo program at evolv in our open house educational event this Tues evening, April 6, so please call and place your RSVP to learn more about this exciting technology and its many potential benefits.
– Effective topical skin care for cellulite and facial redness/rosacea?
We have been consistently impressed by the innovative and industry-leading bioengineering from ZO Skin Health in new therapies for skin rejuvenation, treatment and anti-aging. ZO has just released 2 innovative products that I believe will revolutionize treatment options and results for patients frustrated by persistent facial redness or rosacea (Rozatrol) as well as the appearance of skin dimpling and body cellulite (Oraser Cellulite Control). Clinical studies have proven that these products have reduced the appearance of cellulite in the majority of patients using Oraser Cellulite Control in the trials and that facial redness and rosacea were consistently and significantly improved with the Rozatrol skin care program! If you are interested in more information about these unique and exciting skin care options from ZO Skin Health, please call to discuss with myself or the evolv professional staff.
This truly is an exciting time in aesthetics. With the introduction of these disruptive and innovative technologies, services and products, all of us at evolv are looking forward to the many potential benefits that can be offered by incorporating these proven options into personalized and comprehensive aesthetic programs that can reduce the signs of aging and effectively improve the quality of life for our patients at any age.
Happy Spring to everyone!
Frank Barone MD FACS