The importance of regular exfoliation is often overlooked by many patients with their skin care. As we age, skin cell turnover slows down and results in the retention of damaged cells and increased skin cancer risk. Regular exfoliation is extremely beneficial because it can speed up the normal shedding cycle and induce the replacement of skin cells which are undamaged and more youthful.
Exfoliation can be increased mechanically by scrubs and prescription-strength cleansers, or chemically with peeling, using naturally occurring acids applied by a trained medical skin care professional. Proper exfoliating can also induce the deeper skin cells to replace collagen and elastin, which improves the youthfulness of the skin and reduces the signs of aging. Many people over-use moisturizers, which can reduce the normal exfoliating process which ironically dulls the skin, and can age its appearance.
Here are our four top reasons to exfoliate on a regular basis:
1. It reduces the signs of aging. When the natural cycle of exfoliation slows down over time, the skin retains aged, damaged cells and cells that are cancer prone. In addition, lines, wrinkles and dryness become more apparent because of retention of these cells. Improving regular exfoliation in your skin care program results in fresher, brighter, younger and healthier skin because of encouraging the loss of damaged tissue and its replacement with undamaged cells. Natural internal moisturizers are present in new cells and help retain the luxuriousness of the skin from within, rather than relying on external moisturizers.
2. It reduces and prevents acne break-outs. Regular exfoliation is critical to clear the pores of clogged cellular debris and dead skin products. When these products are not regularly removed, they result in infections in the pores which are pimples or acne vulgaris. These break-outs can occur in adults as well as teens and can be minimized with proper exfoliation, which improves overall skin health.
3. It improves skin texture, tone and reduces hyperpigmentation. The majority of sun damage, including excess pigment is located on the surface of the skin. Regular exfoliation results in shedding of these damaged and abnormally pigmented cells, which improve the overall evenness of color in the complexion. Skin texture is improved by a softer, smoother surface that results in shedding of age-damaged cells and replacing them with new cells that are better hydrated and have a softer and smoother feel.
4. It improves the penetration of skin care products. The advance in research proven medical skin care products has been revolutionary. However, these biologically active compounds must be able to penetrate the outer layers of the skin to be effective. Without regular exfoliation, layers of debris and dead skin cells clog the surface of the skin and inhibit the penetration of skin care products, in addition to all over the other negative effects mentioned above. With regular exfoliation, products are able to reach the active layers of the skin and thereby have the potential for maximal benefit to the skin’s health.
Ultimately, the goal of our skin care programs at Evolv is achieving optimal skin health. Regular exfoliation, when done properly, is an essential step in achieving healthy skin. The new research data also suggests that regular exfoliation may be reduce skin cancer risk by the shedding of cancer prone cells form the surface of the skin. This is an exciting new finding in addition to the many benefits in reducing the signs of aging with exfoliation.