New Year, New You
A new year has begun, so why not take those final steps in completing your weight loss journey? After losing a significant amount of weight, you can be left with sagging areas of skin in many areas of the body. Dr. Barone at evolv Plastic Surgery & Medical Aesthetics offers body lift surgery to correct sagging skin and tissue laxity to restore a youthful body contour. Read on to learn more about this procedure and how it can benefit you.
What is a Body Lift?
A body lift is a method of surgical contouring and shaping to restore the natural balance of the body that may have been distorted by significant weight loss or aging. Unlike a tummy tuck or abdominoplasty that only address the lower abdomen, the body lift will contour the abdomen as well as the hips, flanks, legs and the buttocks for a more balanced, natural -looking figure. After significant weight loss or with aging, there may be loose, sagging skin around the entire trunk of the body, in the legs, and on thighs that will not often improve with exercise or additional weight loss. This is where a body lift and body contouring surgery can help.
The Body Lift Procedure
Body lifting is customized to each patient in order to obtain the most natural and long lasting result. During the procedure Dr. Barone will resect the excess tissue, release the entire areas involved, and then then re-suspend and support them to enhance contour. At evolv, this surgical procedure is performed only in a fully-accredited outpatient surgery center with a board-certified anesthesiologist under general anesthesia. All procedures are done on an outpatient basis so patients will go home the day of surgery. Often, liposuction with ultrasound or VASER is combined with body lifting to remove and control areas of excessive fat. The muscles of the abdominal wall, which can become separated over time or pregnancy, may also be repaired to improve abdominal contour and help strengthen and support the core and lower back.
Find out if you’re a candidate for non-surgical alternatives to body contouring and skin tightening.
Benefits of a Body Lift
The greatest benefits of a body lift procedure is the true improvement in quality of life for patients. “Basically, the results of comprehensive body lifting are something that cannot be obtained any other way and truly transforms and restores the natural contours of the body’s silhouette which has a significant impact on a patient’s self-esteem and confidence,” explained Dr. Barone. “This also helps them improve their motivation to maintain and continue a healthy lifestyle with exercise, appropriate nutrition and stress control.”
Dr. Barone, a board-certified plastic surgeon and member of the Aesthetic Society has a long experience with comprehensive body lifting and knowledgeable in what preparation involves. Prior to your surgery, a healthy lifestyle should be maintained. Preoperative supplements are also given to improve wound healing and shorten the recovery time. After the body lifting procedure, maintenance with other nonsurgical methods using radio frequency along with the patient’s own exercise and nutrition are also recommended to maintain optimal long-term results.
Body lifting is an exciting area of regenerative medicine and has a significant impact on the quality of life for a patient. If you are interested in learning more about these procedures, contact us today at evolv Plastic Surgery & Medical Aesthetics to schedule a consultation.