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Neck lift in Toledo

Tighten and Tone Your Neck and Jowls

About this Treatment

Neck Lift

Our neck lift in Toledo, also known as neck rejuvenation or lower rhytidectomy, is a surgical procedure that improves the signs of aging and restores youthful contours to the neckline, jaw area, and lower cheeks.

A neck lift can be done on its own or combined with other facial aesthetic procedures such as a genioplasty or chin implant to improve the jawline, chemical skin peel, and other facial aesthetic options. Despite the advances in many effective non-surgical aesthetic treatments, a neck lift can only be performed surgically and continues to be the most powerful and effective technique to rejuvenate lower facial aging.

The Procedure

Neck Lift

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What It Is

Losing youthful features in the face and neck are typically the result of multiple factors including sagging skin and tissue, loss of volume and support, and thinning and deterioration in skin quality. The neck is also one of the first areas to reveal aging changes with muscle bands of the neck muscle (the platysma) developing with skin laxity, fullness, and fatty excess under the chin (the submental area) often referred to as the ‘double chin’ or ‘turkey wattle’ deformity, all of which results in loss of the attractive youthful contour of the neckline. Many patients experience this neckline and lower facial changes earlier without significant aging in the upper face and therefore are not yet ready for a full facelift. In these situations, a neck lift in Toledo may be an excellent option to address these concerns and restore a more naturally youthful contour which reduces the signs of aging.

What it treats

  • Loose and sagging neck skin and tissue
  • Excess fatty deposits in the neck and under the chin (submental fat)
  • Lower facial jowls and loss of the youthful jawline
  • Visible muscle bands (platysma muscle banding) at rest and with animation that disrupt neck contour

Treatment Time

  • 2.5 - 3 hours

Recovery Time

  • 1.5 - 2 weeks

Anesthetic Type

  • General


  • Youthful Appearance  Restores a natural and more youthful jawline and contour of the neck.
  • Reduces Visible Muscle Bands Repairs excess visible muscle bands (platysma banding) that are more noticeable with talking and animation.
  • Removes Excess Fat Removes excess fatty deposits and collections under the chin (’turkey wottle’) as well as the entire neckline.
  • Reduces Jowls Reduces lower facial jowling that disrupts the youthful jawline.
  • Long-Term Results When combined with EVOLV’s individualized medical skincare pre and post-surgical program, you can ensure your nick lift in Toledo restores a natural appearing and more youthful look.
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How Neck Lift Works

Step 01.

As with all aesthetic surgical procedures at EVOLV Plastic Surgery, a neck lift in Toledo will involve a complete evaluation, examination, and discussion of goals and the creation of a personalized and comprehensive surgical plan. Preoperative skin care and education are also essential for preparation. Itemized costs and recovery time planning are reviewed as well.

Step 02.

Neck lift surgery in Toledo is done in an accredited outpatient surgery center under either a light general or intravenous anesthetic administered by a board-certified anesthesiologist and experienced licensed nursing staff.

Step 03.

Dr. Frank Barone performs neck lifts through small access incisions hidden behind the ear and in the crease under the chin. If liposuction is planned for the removal of excess fatty deposits, an ultrasonic technique (Vaser Liposuction) may be done through these same small access incisions.

Step 04.

After removing excess fat, the separated platysma muscle bands are dissected and repaired (platysmaplasty) which is essential in most patients in order to restore a naturally youthful neckline. After platysma repair, the skin and lax tissue of the lower jowl is then suspended and repositioned to a balanced contour. In some cases, a chin implant or genioplasty is also done to additionally improve the jawline and profile. A small surgical drain is placed, and incisions are closed in layers. In selected cases, a light chemical peel to rejuvenate the skin surface may be done.

Step 05.

A mildly compressive wrap dressing is applied to support the tissue and reduce the chance of bleeding and avoid hematoma after surgery. Your face will not be covered. You will be discharged home after a short stay in the recovery area and a review of instructions with your caregiver. It is normal to experience some tightness temporarily in the neck immediately after neck lift surgery, especially after repair of the platysma muscle, this will resolve shortly after surgery.

Step 06.

You will return to the office in a few days after surgery for your first dressing change and drain removal. You will see the visible improvements and they will continue as swelling and bruising subside. We will give you specific instructions and recommendations on activities and care of the operative site at each visit. Your final neck lift result should restore a youthful contour and have a very natural and balanced appearance.

See our results

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Before & After

What our patients are saying

Dr. Barone and the staff are phenomenal!  I have been so impressed with the aftercare:)
Yes I was highly satisfied with my experience. Julie is always great. I had microneedling and appears like my saggy neck skin is a little tighter.
Dr. Barone and staff are phenomenal! I have been so impressed with the aftercare :)
I can’t brag enough about this doctor and staff, they make you feel like family the moment you walk in the door. They take time to explain everything step by step as needed to you, they don’t rush you, let’s just some it up THEY CARE I will be ...

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Dr. Barone and the staff are phenomenal!  I have been so impressed with the aftercare:)

Yes I was highly satisfied with my experience. Julie is always great. I had microneedling and appears like my saggy neck skin is a little tighter.

Dr. Barone and staff are phenomenal! I have been so impressed with the aftercare 🙂

I can’t brag enough about this doctor and staff, they make you feel like family the moment you walk in the door. They take time to explain everything step by step as needed to you, they don’t rush you, let’s just some it up THEY CARE I will be back for many more things to come… Thank You

Frequently Asked Questions

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Call the office to schedule a consultation with
Dr. Barone.

Call Now Schedule Now

Your Safety Matters.

At EVOLV, we believe that a highly educated and skilled provider is the most important factor in providing safe and consistent treatments to our patients.

All major cosmetic surgical procedures at EVOLV Plastic Surgery are performed only in a fully accredited surgical center with experienced and licensed staff. Candidates considering face lifts at EVOLV are thoroughly evaluated and fully informed and prepared for the procedure. Post-operative education and guidance along with specific therapeutic services to reduce swelling and downtime are emphasized to improve safety and outcomes and to reduce potential complications.

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Find Us

2000 Regency Court #204 Toledo, Ohio 43623
(419) 720-2008
  • Mon: 8:30 am-5:00 pm
  • Tues: 8:30 am-7:00 pm
  • Wed: 8:30 am-5:00 pm
  • Thurs: 8:30 am-5:00 pm
  • Fri: 8:30 am-3:00 pm
  • Sat: Closed
  • Sun: Closed