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Disrupting Aging

Non-Surgical Skin Rejuvenation / March 11, 2016

Do you fear growing older?

Many people do, especially as they face their 40’s, 50’s, 60’s and beyond.  Unfortunately in our society, the term ‘aging’ is too often associated with negative stereotypes and frequently viewed as a deterioration in function and quality of life. Many in our society do fear aging, and that fear can produce considerable anxiety about what the future holds. Too many of us are frequently lured by unsubstantiated claims from misleading marketing about ‘anti-aging’ products and services that have no proven benefit and are sometimes even harmful.

But what if we approached the inevitability of aging with a different attitude?  What if we viewed aging as an opportunity for growth instead of decline and as a chance for enrichment instead of loss?

What if we disrupted the traditional negative stereotypes and could somehow embrace our aging?

The convergence of significantly longer life expectancy and advances in technology have given most of us nearly 30 more years of time to experience life.  But in order to fully live and function with our additional years, we must be prepared physically and mentally by making healthy lifestyle choices in our nutrition, daily exercise, stress management and our relationships with others.  Science and technology have given us this opportunity of these ‘bonus’ years, but we must actively live the principles and fundamentals of health in order to be functionally younger and be able to contribute and enjoy our later years.

At evolv we are dedicated to and believe in improving the quality of life for our patients through education, healthy lifestyle and the power of aesthetics.  At evolv we want to disrupt the negative stereotypes traditionally associated with aging by improving skin health and improving appearance with natural and balanced aesthetic programs because we have experienced how these can enhance mood, confidence and self-image.  Many of our patients have decided that they will not be defined by their age and they live with a new optimism and an attitude of gratitude and purpose.  Yes, experience has value and benefits!

So we invite all of you to join us at evolv Plastic Surgery and Medical Aesthetics in our mission to disrupt the traditional negative attitudes about aging.  A balanced and individualized aesthetics program along with a healthy lifestyle can make a real difference not only in living longer, but also in living better.   It’s really not about aging, it’s about living!

Frank Barone MD FACS